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Products from sheep wool - Woolville.com
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Stop counting those sheep

And start getting a better sleep with bedding made from sheep's wool and other natural materials. A good night's sleep makes you more productive, and if you maintain a good sleeping pattern over the long term, not only can your health and general well-being improve, but you can boost your memory too. This is because the body regenerates during sleep and gains strength for the next day.   


An important part of getting a good night's sleep is the right bedding. With Woolville, you can choose between several types of duvets and blankets, whether for singles, for a couple or an elongated version for a tall sleeper.  


Wool can maintain your body temperature all night long, so you'll stay warm even in a cooler room.  


Wool has self-cleaning abilities, prevents the growth of bacteria and prevents the settling of mites. 


Wool easily wicks moisture away from the body, so you avoid waking up in sweaty bedding.  

What do our customers say about sleeping in wool?

Mrs Laura

Before, I didn't want to get out of bed because I wanted to sleep a tad longer. But now, I don't want to get out of bed because this duvet is so unbelievably comfortable. There's just the right amount of warmth underneath, I definitely recommend it to all those who get overheated and sweaty quickly under classic duvets.  

Pros: Pleasantly warm, you'll warm up quickly under it, but you won't overheat   

Mrs Wendy

Those who try sheep's wool blankets don't want to go back to others. Feeling warm and not overheating at the same time is great. It’s a necessity for better sleep. I have already gotten the duvet not only for myself, but also for my parents who feel the same way about it. There is a very nice ratio between the quality and the price of these duvets.   

Mr Michael

As soon as I unwrapped the sheep wool duvet I immediately swapped it with my regular one. It's light and very comfortable. I'm very satisfied. If it was made as an unzippable sleeping bag, it would be perfect.   


Filled with fine wool  


Breathable material draws moisture away well  


Suitable for people with allergies  


Filled with fine wool  


Breathable material draws moisture away well  


Suitable for people with allergies  

Popular bedding from Woolville

Wool in blankets in three different ways

We divide the duvets into basic, traditional and premium. The main difference between them is in the weight of the individual duvets and in the weight of the wool used. At the same time, each type is sewn a little differently. The specific sewing affects their resulting thickness and helps the uniform distribution of the wool in the blanket.  


The basic line of duvets is the most affordable. The duvets are filled with 100% Merino wool. The cover is made of 45% cotton and 55% polyester. The range of basic duvets is rated with the OEKO-TEX® quality certificate.  


With their sewing and filling, they remind us of our grandmothers' traditional quilts. They are filled with 100% wool and the coating is made of 100% cotton. The traditional range of blankets also has the OEKO-TEX® quality certificate.   


Thanks to the fine stitching, the duvets are light and thin, but warm just as much as the bedding from the above mentioned categories. They are filled with 100% Merino wool and their coating is made of 100% cotton. They also have OEKO-TEX®, WoolMark® Interiors and GOTS quality certificates.  

Choose your duvet according to the season

You can choose between winter, summer and year-round duvets. We recommend summer and all-season duvets and blankets for the apartment, warm rooms and for people who always feel too warm. For cottages and colder rooms, as well as for those who are always cold, we recommend winter blankets and duvets or, again, versatile year-round duvets.  




Dorothy's Ten Commandments of Quality Sleep

1. Go to bed and get up at the same time.  

2. Air out your bedroom before going to bed and try to keep the room temperature around 20 °C.   

3. Limit the radiation of blue light from electronics at least 1.5 hours before going to bed. Instead of using your phone or computer, reach for a book.  

4. Relax and try to think of other things. If you're thinking about something that hurts you.  

5. Avoid caffeine 6 hours before bedtime.  

6. Don't eat before bed.   

7. Avoid drinking alcohol.  

8. Sleep in a dark room.  

9. You can't catch up on sleep, and you won't catch up on the weekend what you neglected during the week.  

10. Choose the right duvets and blankets.  


Jak si dopřát zdravý a kvalitní spánek?

Proč je spánek důležitý a co byste o něm měli vědět? Spánek je významnou součástí našeho života a také nejvíce ovlivňuje, jak se během dne cítíme, kolik máme energie a jaký výkon podáváme. Jestli se vám špatně spí nebo máte problém s usínáním, poradíme vám, jak spát lépe.

Jaké přikrývky si vybrat pro sebe a svou rodinu?

Nejste si jisti, kterou přikrývku zvolit jako tu nejvhodnější? Nezoufejte. Rádi vám poradíme s výběrem huňatého kousku pohodlí do vašich domovů. A právě proto jsme připravili srovnání našich přikrývek, abyste je mohli rychle a jednoduše porovnat.

Správná péče o huňaté přikrývky a polštáře

Chcete se v chladných dnech zahřát ovčí vlnou, ale bojíte se, že péče a údržba o huňaté kousky je příliš náročná? Nenechte se odradit a nahlédněte do našeho článku, ve kterém vám poradíme, jak jednoduchá je péče o ovčí přikrývky a polštáře.

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