Suffering from swelling and various inflammations can be pretty unpleasant. While you might think that having a nice hot bath seems like a good idea to alleviate your discomfort, the opposite may actually be true. This way, you may be adding to the problem rather than easing your symptoms.
There are two types of heat therapy, one using dry heat, one using moist heat. Each should be applied in a different case.
Dry heat
We talk about using a dry compress that warms up the body. And sheep's wool is perfect for this. It is great at temperature control, which means that it keeps your temperature stable without letting you overheat, just keeping you nice and warm. It’s perfect when you suffer from less severe pain. Dry heat therapy is suitable for backache, period pains, abdominal pains and migraines caused by problems with your neck. In addition, dry heat helps to ease discomfort caused by strained and stiff muscles, colds and chest infections.
The ideal way to apply dry heat is by using products made of sheep's wool, placing them directly onto the affected area and allowing the heat to work its magic. For back problems, the best thing to try is a warming belt or a neck warmer, which are elasticated and closed with velcro, so they will keep on well. Or you can try a woollen vest.
Moist heat
Therapy using moist heat includes hot baths, warming balms and hot packs, often used in combination with drinking herbal teas, such as chamomile tea.
Moist heat is beneficial when you suffer from colds, stomach upsets or digestive problems. However, it is not so good to use for back and muscle problems or urinary tract infections.
A hot bath is perfect when you have a cold and for regeneration of tired muscles and skin. To make your skin smell lovely and feel even more supple, try adding a fizzy bath bomb to your bath.